+44 (0) 1608 676 821
From rustic to 6 star...

Not on the list?

Maybe you have been recommended somewhere else to stay than the properties featured here. Rest assured – we can help you out with these places too.

We pride ourselves on keeping abreats of the special places that you can stay in our destinations. From quirky AirBnBs to exclusive private homes. Tree houses, yachts, gers, monasteries and even school dorms – we look out for ways to offer places that accentuate how exciting getting under the surface of a country can be.

Needless to say – not all of these places feature here on our website. Often it is the places that we treasure most that we are less keen to brag about online. We can tell you about them on the phone though – so please do give us a call.




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+44 (0) 1608 676 821

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